Wild Bronze,
Gilded Grace

Bronze Sculptures of Rare & Extinct Animals & Birds | 
Acrylic Paintings of the Gilded Age & Personal Memories
by Paul Jeynes


Welcome to Wild Bronze, where the majesty of the world’s wild creatures is captured and honored in bronze sculptures by the late Paul Jeynes. Transitioning from a successful business career in the 1970s and self-taught, Paul Jeynes became an influential and respected sculptor, creating pieces that reflect the essence and spirit of each subject. Please note that all proceeds from all sales will be added to a scholarship fund Paul bequeathed to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.



20 1/2" height
12 1/4" width
13 1/4" diameter


Brown Patina with Highly Polished brass tusks. Mounted on a black glossy base.



Huge in size with long, impressive tusks, walruses live in the Arctic Ocean and subarctic seas of the Northern Hemisphere. Males can weigh over 4,400 pounds and reach up to 12 feet long. Walruses use their tusks to fight predators, defend against other walruses,  keep their breathing holes open, and to pull themselves onto ice floes. They feed at depths of 30-160 feet, using their whiskers to identify prey and their snouts to root it out. The grave loss of sea ice caused by climate change is wreaking havoc on walruses. Mothers must swim farther to find food, leaving their calves alone and vulnerable. This has forced them to forage for food on beaches, increasing their interaction with humans, which can be fatal on both sides. Conservation efforts are working to mitigate the impact of climate change, offering some hope for the future of this amazing creature.

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