Members of the Equidae family, Zebras are wild creatures of Africa, easily identified by their Mohawk-like manes and distinctive black-and-white stripes. Much like human fingerprints, each Zebra's stripe pattern is unique, helping them identify one another. Their stripes serve as camouflage, distorting their body outlines and confusing predators like lions, especially when in motion. Working together in herds to avoid predators, Zebras warn each other of potential danger through whinnying and high-pitched barks. Because they're able to sleep while standing, they can remain vigilant and react swiftly to ever-present threats. Unfortunately, two of the known three Zebra species are in grave danger. Grévy’s Zebras, found in Ethiopia and northern Kenya and Mountain Zebras, found in South Africa, Namibia, and Angola, are both seriously dwindling in numbers due to human encroachment and hunting. The species with which people are most familiar, the common Plains Zebra, is unendangered for now.